Earn credits while learning how to resolve energy and heat loss issues effectively!

If you’re an architect looking for ways to improve the energy design in your buildings, check out The Armatherm Thermal Bridging Webinar. It gives an in-depth look at thermal bridging, it’s negative effects on the energy efficiency, where thermal bridging is commonly found, and how to control it. This course compares building details with and without thermal breaks, and demonstrates how they make a significant difference in the comfort, durability, and performance of a building. The webinar has 1 AIA LU/HWS.


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What is Thermal Bridging?

Although recognized as a significant factor when it comes to building envelope energy loss, structural thermal breaks are commonly overlooked as a solution within the industry. Building codes continue to increase requirements of buildings requiring continuous isolation (ci) without thermal bridging. Armatherm materials can be used to reduce heat loss in wall assemblies, transitions and structural connections throughout the building envelope without compromising structural integrity.

As America strives to reach net zero emissions by 2050, identifying and combating the effects of thermal bridging has never been more important. Designing thermal breaks in key areas is cost effective, and easy to understand. Learn how to do so while earning HSW credits. The efficiency measures we incorporate now will affect the environment for the life of the building!


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Previous Projects

Denver International Airport

Denver International Airport Hotel & Transit Center has earned Platinum LEED status

Sustainable Living Innovation

Armatherm is proud to be part of the award-winning 303 Battery Project

Townsend Hall – Illinois University

The project involves 316k square feet in renovation and new construction

BIM Files, What Are They?

BIM brings together all of the information about every component of a building. It makes it possible for anyone to access the information for any purpose, e.g. to integrate different aspects of the design more effectively.

Armatherm can provide CAD and BIM files to aid in the design and implementation of thermal breaks.

Our Accreditations