
In 2019, the UK government launched a ‘Net Zero Strategy’, which aims to decarbonise the economy and reach net zero emissions by 2050. As a result of this new strategy, many industries across the board have adopted new ways to become more energy efficient.

Buildings are accountable for up to 30% of carbon emissions. In fact, new research conducted by Green Alliance saw thousands of commercial buildings located in major cities across the UK are losing over £60 million in wasted energy, this is enough to power over 65,000 homes! Energy waste is a clear issue for buildings across the UK which Passivhaus, the voluntary energy standard organisation aims to solve.

Passivhaus is a leading independent and international design standard which promotes high quality construction certified via a quality assurance approach. The organisation strives to reduce the ecological footprint of buildings in order to meet carbon neutral targets by improving energy efficiency and thermal performance.

The Passivhaus approach benefits both people and the planet! Not only that, but the positive impact of the standard authority means building occupiers can enjoy the positive effects that come with a passive house building such as lower energy bills, fresh air and high standards of internal thermal comfort.

As of July 21st, Armatherm gained certification from the Passivhaus Institute for our Armatherm 500-320 and Armatherm 500-490 products.

To achieve the Passivhaus standard, both Armatherm 500 specifications (320 and 490) have to be a thickness of 50mm or thicker on the column base to attain the accreditation. Made from robust, polyurethane material which does not absorb water or moisture, our Armatherm 500 model is useful in cool temperature climates and it also helps to avoid condensation issues which can lead to mould.

We were awarded the certification for a column base application which significantly reduced the heat flow within the building and, although these are not Passivhaus accreditations, Armatherm 500 can also be used in the following applications; fenestration, roof penetration, foundation to wall, concrete balcony, or parapet. Due to the variety of grade material, Armatherm 500 has a range of compressive abilities.

The UK has some of the least energy efficient housing in Europe according to the latest UKCCC report published in June of this year.

The best way to combat this is to insulate homes as this is the most cost effective route to reducing carbon emissions. Housing Minister Eddie Hughes said: “The government is doing everything it can to deliver net zero and slashing CO2 emissions from homes and buildings is vital to achieving this commitment.” Despite the new UK regulations stating that new homes need to be 30% more energy efficient, heating and powering homes still currently makes up 40% of the UK’s total energy consumption.

Our aim is to minimise energy loss and improve building performance, by saving energy resources. Energy efficiency in the building industry is an important issue which Armatherm provides solutions to with our thermal bridging materials that can be used across multiple applications. Preserving and saving energy through thermal bridging solutions not only saves money but also provides a safe, durable and effective approach to the challenge.

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